Custom Generic types

We've seen many generic types before, list and dict to name a few. They're super useful when you want to create a container data type, or any type that can be defined as a composition of other types.

Remember the Stack class we defined a while ago? That one only worked with integers, but it didn't really have to. If you try to run it with strings instead, it will still work just fine. This is a good indication that Stack should've been a generic type. So let's do that:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

class Stack(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._values: list[T] = []

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'Stack{self._values!r}'

    def push(self, value: T) -> None:

    def pop(self) -> T:
        if len(self._values) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Underflow!')

        return self._values.pop()

stack: Stack[int] = Stack()

stack2: Stack[str] = Stack()

There's 3 steps in making a class generic:

  • Create a TypeVar. The syntax for making it is a bit odd, where you have to pass it its own name in a string, like so: T = TypeVar('T').
  • Make your class extend Generic[T]. This doesn't do anything at runtime, but it tells mypy that we want the class to take in a type in its definition.
  • Anywhere that our type would depend on the chosen type, we use T instead of the actual type. In our case, self._values becomes of type list[T] instead of list[int], and all ints get replaced with T in the methods.

Now our Stack is generic! If we define it to be of type Stack[str], it will accept strings.

Note that we don't have to use just one type variable, we can use as many as we want! We've already seen it with dictionaries for example: dict[str, int]. Let's define a Map type that just wraps over a dictionary:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

K = TypeVar('K')
V = TypeVar('V')

class Map(Generic[K, V]):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._dict: dict[K, V] = {}

    def add_item(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:
        self._dict[key] = value

    def get(self, key: K) -> V | None:
        return self._dict.get(key)

m: Map[str, int] = Map()
m.add_item('some_key', 42)


Another really good candidate for generics would be the "iterable" that we made. Our StringIterable and StringIterator protocols are pretty nice! But we can take them a step further: by making them generic. Right now we have hard-coded that we want __next__ to return a str, but let's replace that with a type variable so that we can extend it to any type we want:

from typing import Protocol, Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T', invariant=True)

class Iterator(Protocol, Generic[T]):
    def __next__(self) -> str: ...

class Iterable(Protocol, Generic[T]):
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: ...

def count_unique(items: Iterable[str]) -> int:
    """Returns the number of unique items present"""
    unique_count = 0
    seen: set[str] = set()
    for item in items:
        if item not in seen:
            # We've seen a new unique item!
            unique_count += 1

    return unique_count

count = count_unique(['10', '20', '20', '10'])

greetings = {1: 'hello', 2: 'hi', 3: 'hello'}
unique_greetings = count_unique(greetings.values())

We just defined a generic protocol class! Iterable can now be an iterable of any type T, and it returns an iterator of the same type. The only other requirement was to tell T to be "invariant". For now, you can just think of it as a requirement for protocols.

Generic protocols are common enough that mypy accepts Protocol[T] as an alternative way to write Protocol, Generic[T]. So you can write class Iterator(Protocol, Generic[T]) with class Iterator(Protocol[T]) and the code will still work.

A really useful generic type would be a "generic callable" type. Where you could define the types a callable would take in as arguments, and the return type. Thankfully typing.Callable gives you exactly that:

from typing import Callable

def add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x + y

def subtract(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x - y

def call_function(func: Callable[[int, int], int]) -> None:
    print(func(3, 2))


Callable takes two arguments, a list of types (representing the arguments), and the return type. Using it you can define any function's type to be able to pass it to another function.

One last thing to learn would be defining generic functions. Take this function:

def make_pair(item: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
    return (item, item)


The code works, but the type hint prevents mypy from working. So let's just make the function generic:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

def make_pair(item: T) -> tuple[T, T]:
    return (item, item)


Generics are useful in a lot of circumstances, and now you can use them in your own code.